3 results found
June 14, 2018 — Stephen Asma & Rami Gabriel
Emotions and the Brain
Where do culture, emotion, and cognition intersect?
Is altruism a fluke of humans' inherently selfish nature?
How Western individualism clouds our view of human nature
Stephen: The strongest cultural adaptations are shared unconsciously
An evolutionary explanation of Trump's cult of personality
Complicating the narrative on immigrant cultural values and success
Reactions to Stephen's new book, Why We Need Religion
October 12, 2018 — Robert Wright & John Bargh
The Wright Show
John's book on unconscious motivations, Before You Know It
Why thinking about the flu makes you more opposed to immigration
Are ethnic and gender stereotypes self-fulfilling prophecies?
The Protestant work ethic as a core part of American psychology
Don't resist temptations. Avoid them!
How to use an "implementation intention" to get things done
How have John's famous lever-pulling experiments held up over time?
Is the "replication crisis" really a crisis?
March 07, 2020 — Daniel Kaufman & Helen Joyce
Helen's forthcoming book on gender
Why are younger women attracted to novel gender theories?
Social constructivism vs. self-constructivism
Did feminists bring this upon themselves?
Helen: Immigration caused Britain's political realignment
Helen's narrative of the evolution of trans identity
Why is it harder to be a girl now, when society is less sexist?
Dan: Online porn has made teenage boys undateable
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Daniel Kaufman (1)
Helen Joyce (1)
John Bargh (1)
Rami Gabriel (1)
Robert Wright (1)
Stephen Asma (1)
Emotions and the Brain (1)
Sophia (1)
The Wright Show (1)
culture (1)
evolution (1)
psychology (1)
religion (1)
2020 (1)
2018 (2)